Co-opdeli Donates 1.93 Million yen to Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World's Children


The Co-opdeli Consumers' Co-operative Union (hereinafter Co-opdeli) donated ¥1,933,800 to the certified non-profit organization Japan Committee for Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV).  The funds were raised by recycling approximately 77.35 million PET bottle caps (by weight) collected from Co-opdeli Group member co-ops in FY2023.  Co-opdeli Group is a business federation consisting of 6 consumer co-operatives and Co-opdeli.   On June 27, 2024, Mr. KUMAZAKI Shin President of the Co-opdeli, visited the JCV office and presented a donation certificate to Ms. KENMOCHI Mutsuko, Chairperson of JCV.

Ms. KENMOCHI presented a certificate of appreciation to the Co-opdeli Group. Since 2012, the Co-opdeli Group has been collecting and recycling PET bottle caps through its stores and home delivery services, accumulating approximately 709.11 million caps in total. The Co-opdeli Group has previously made donations to JCV, and with this latest donation, the total amount donated by the Co-opdeli Group now stands at ¥17,277,900.

In expressing her gratitude, Ms. KENMOCHI remarked, "As JCV celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, having been established in 1994, we have seen the tangible impact of our work. There have been cases where children who received vaccinations through our programs have grown up to become nurses, now directly involved in vaccine administration. This exemplifies the lasting impact of JCV's initiatives. Even something as seemingly insignificant as a PET bottle cap, which might otherwise be discarded as waste, can be collected and transformed into vital support for our vaccination efforts. We are sincerely grateful for this ongoing donation."
Ms. KENMOCHI Mutsuko, Chairperson of JCV(left), Mr. KUMAZAKI Shin, President of Co-opdeli(right)

Since 1994, JCV has been working with UNICEF to provide vaccines for preventable diseases, including six major infectious diseases (polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus), in countries where many children die from these diseases. Currently, JCV  supports four countries: Myanmar, Laos, Bhutan, and Vanuatu. These regions often have mountainous areas or a variety of small and large islands, making it difficult to deliver vaccines due to inadequate facilities and transportation access. To ensure that vaccines reach all areas, JCV not only provides the vaccines but also supports the purchase of necessary supplies, such as refrigerators to maintain proper vaccine temperatures and motorcycles for transportation. 

The Co-opdeli Group will continue to support JCV's future activities.

tags: Co-op Deli, donation, JCV